Ingrown Toenail Treatment

Ingrown Toenail Treatment Ingrown Toenail Treatment Ingrown Toenail Treatment Ingrown Toenail Treatment


Ingrown Toenail Treatment Ingrown Toenail Treatment

Nail stinging is a problem that occurs on a person’s toes, caused by the corner or edge of the nail sinking into the soft flesh of the finger. It is a painful and uncomfortable problem that is quite common today and is especially seen on the big toe. In addition to the appearance of pain, it is also possible to experience complaints such as swelling and redness of the finger.
Ingrown toenails are usually a condition that you can treat on your own at home. If this discomfort has not reached advanced degrees, treating your ingrown toenail with some simple methods is possible. (choosing a soapy hot water bath, orthopaedic shoes and socks, cleaning with apple cider vinegar or using an ingrown nail protective apparatus, etc.) Otherwise, if there is an advanced problem and in cases such as long-term swelling, redness and severe pain, you should seek help from specialists in the field.
Most importantly, if an individual has various health problems, such as arteriosclerosis or diabetes, which causes the inability to block blood flow to the feet, professional help should be sought. Because it is seen more in people with these health problems than in people who are not at risk of complications due to ingrown toenails. Our centre works on this issue with great sensitivity and meticulousness.
It is called nail stinging, which is usually seen on the big toe, when the corners or edges of the nails extend towards the nail bed, causing pain and soreness in that area. At this time, the toenail curls and burrows into the soft area around the nail. As a result of burial, pain occurs in this part and can cause infection if not intervened. As a result of the infection, there is also a condition that leads to inflammation, which causes an extremely painful and painful condition. At the same time, again due to inflammation, swelling, redness, discharge and even an increase in heat may occur in the sunken area.
One of the important and obvious causes of nail stinging is the disproportion between the size mismatch between the nail bed’s width and the nail’s size, that is, Decoupling. Among the reasons that increase this existing condition are the wrong choice of shoes, the wrong Decapitation (cutting the nail too deep, etc. ) and there are genetic nail problems. In addition, these causes further negatively affect nail stinging. If you need to sort out the problems that cause nail stinging;
The imbalance between the width of the nail bed and the size of the nail Decal,Cutting the nails wrong – short,Choosing the wrong shoes ( wearing tight shoes)Choosing the wrong socks,Injury of the toenail directly or as a result of an impact,Whether to cut the nails in a curved way or not to cut them straight, (toenails should be cut as straight as possible.)Ingressions that occur as a result of the nail coming out,Curved nails that are out of the normal,Improper care performed during foot care (aggressive manicure and pedicure)Genetically, the nail structure becomes curved inward in some people. This is also called pincer nails, and again stinging on this type of nail is a common complaint.SYMPTOMS OF NAIL STINGING
The most obvious discomfort in ingrown toenails is pain. Pain and swelling around the finger are among the symptoms of nail stinging. Apart from this, the following symptoms are observed;
Swelling around the nail,Discomfort in the nail bed,Redness and burning sensation in the nail area,Discharge due to inflammation,And Causes such as excessive pain and tenderness in the finger are also among the symptoms of nail Decaying.In our centre, taking into account all these symptoms, the treatment method is applied accordingly and it is ensured that the patient regains his former health in a short time. By keeping hygiene at the forefront, the healing of people who are exposed to nail stinging is completed by specialists.TREATMENT OF INGROWN TOENAILS
In the treatment of ingrown toenails, it is necessary to check which stage it is at first.
Although simple measures and drug applications taken in the first and second stages, that is, in cases where the granulation tissue has not yet developed, may regress the disease, the likelihood of recurrence and increase in complaints without benefit is quite high.
Measures that can be taken during the initial period of the sinking process;
Correction of incorrect shoe selection,Not to damage soft tissue during nail cutting,Cleaning the area with antisepticsApplication of ice to the swollen and reddened areaResting the feet by raising themAntibiotic applications in cases where the infection has been detectedAbandonment of unconscious tampering habits in the stinging zoneLosing weightStaying away from traumas that cause illnesssuch measures can be taken. During infancy, simple measures often work, and for stings caused by pregnancy, the termination of the process is sufficient for the regression of complaints.
In these stages, surgical application is often the only option. The success of the surgical practice, on the other hand, requires a good definition of the disease and effective and adequate surgical practice.
Nail Staining Treatment should not prevent job loss and self-care. With local anaesthesia, the operation is completed in a short period of 5-10 minutes without any pain.
A small incision removes the partial nail which creates a stinging on the nail.The resulting hemorrhagic granulation tissue is completely cleaned.In terms of preventing recurrence, a 2.3 mm portion is removed from the root region that produces the nail that causes stinging, and the process is completed to obtain a perfect aesthetic image without putting any stitches.In the studies carried out, it has been proven that this is still the most correct method. Surgical intervention procedures should only be performed by physicians who have received their surgical expertise.
It is a great benefit not to contact people who are called under stairs, who promise to heal patients with procedures that cause constant repetition and carry great risks for the treatment of occlusion in places where health conditions are not taken into account. Please make sure that the person who will treat you is a doctor.

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