They are tumour-like, usually, small structured formations that occur in any area of the body, filled with fat. In medical parlance, they are called lipomas. Oil glands, which can be seen in various sizes, are usually visible to the eye, they are white and yellow in colour. Sebaceous gland formation is much less common in children, while it is more common in adults.
Thanks to the developing technology, the stress caused by the surgery, the effect of anaesthesia, etc. non-surgical sebaceous gland treatment has become very easy by radiofrequency method without the need for factors. Thanks to the radiofrequency method, a precise result is obtained instantly by destroying the sebaceous glands located under the skin. In the radiofrequency method applied by our specialist general surgeons, patients do not feel any pain or pain. In necessary cases, local anaesthesia is applied, and the feeling of pain and pain decreases or even disappears.
In this section, we tried to answer the most curious questions from you about the sebaceous gland and treatment methods.
Oil glands usually make people visually uncomfortable. Therefore, it is undesirable to have an oil gland. Although they are characterized as a simple form of tumour, they are usually benign. Some of us are trying to eliminate this problem by using needles or squeezing and popping them at home. This is a very objectionable act. Because it can both cause infection and greatly increases the likelihood of scarring in the area where the sebaceous gland is located. Therefore, the elimination of the sebaceous gland should be carried out by specialists in a health centre with the necessary tools and materials, taking into account hygiene conditions. Especially the sebaceous glands, which are painful and excessively enlarged, should be checked in medical institutions and removed by surgical operation.
The probability of turning into cancer is very low. As stated above, if there is a painful condition or excessive growth, it is necessary to consult a doctor urgently. Because a type of cancer called liposarcoma, which occurs in the tissue, has the appearance of an oil gland and can deceive people.
The causes of the formation of sebaceous glands are not fully known. However, some factors increase the likelihood of sebaceous gland formation. These factors are brief:
Genetic predispositions are high cholesterol, metabolic disorders, skin damage or impact, advanced age, unhealthy diet, obesity and liver diseases.
Oil glands in a visible state can be detected by specialists only by physical examination. Displacement is observed in many types of sebaceous glands when manually intervened. If there is no such observation, that is, if it has a fixed structure and there is swelling, it may be a harbinger of another disease. Considering the risk of being confused with other diseases in glands with a larger structure and a harder structure, it should be ensured that the diagnosis is finalized thanks to ultrasonic imaging. Although the removal of oil glands is performed in beauty centres other than hospitals, it should be noted that it is a competent, hygienic and reliable centre.
According to their structure, they are considered in 3 different groups. These:
Fat Cysts: they are usually seen on the scalp. They are not in the meringue structure. It has a more fluid structure and there is a thin layer of skin on it.
Benign Adipose Tissue Tumors: They are usually seen in the neck and back area. They are in the structure of meringue. They are usually good-natured. They are light yellow in colour. They have a hard structure. They have a structure that can reach large sizes. In this case, a surgical intervention is needed.
Malignant Adipose Tissue Tumors: These are masses formed as a result of the cancellation of adipose tissue under the skin. These tumours are also called liposarcomas. The colour of the fluid contained in these tumours changes from yellow to grey. This type of sebaceous gland, which is rarely encountered, should be removed by a surgical operation.
In addition to the oil glands grouped above, there are also oil glands that occur in custody and are divided into three parts. These are Xanthelesma, syringoma and milium.
Almost 99% of sebaceous glands are benign. In other words, in short, they do not tend to become cancerous. Face, neck, arms V.b sebaceous glands located in visible parts of the body are not desired by people with the idea that they are aesthetically uncomfortable and do not look nice.
This situation immediately directs people to a health facility and a beauty centre. However, although the sebaceous glands, especially in the back area, are not a health problem, the use of a backpack causes pain because it bothers in situations such as reclining or lying down. That’s why people look for ways to get rid of this discomfort.
Infections caused by the impact may occur in some glands. Redness, pain and fever may occur. No matter what the condition, all of these can be removed with the help of small surgical operations under the name of the sebaceous gland removal process. These operations can be performed both in hospitals and beauty centres. Our priority should be to establish the correct diagnosis. For this, the choice of a physician and specialist is very important. Because although rare, these meringues can be malignant. Therefore, the choice of a doctor and a beauty centre should be made with sensitivity.
No condition requires staying in the hospital or beauty centre during operations performed with local anaesthesia. These operations are usually performed in less than 30 minutes. Patients return to their normal lives on the same day. To completely remove malignant sebaceous glands from the body, surgical treatment, which is the classic method, should be resorted to in some cases.
In other glands, treatment by radiofrequency is possible. This treatment is the process of burning the sebaceous glands under the skin using radio frequency rays. Local anaesthesia can be used in this procedure depending on the situation. There is no pain. Although it does not require surgical intervention as in other procedures, the procedure must be performed by specialists in the field. If we want to avoid unexpected situations or get effective results, we must be sensitive about this issue.
If the oil glands do not cause any discomfort aesthetically or in terms of health, they may not need to be taken. But even if it is rare, it is useful to apply to a health centre taking into account the risk of having cancer. Samples are taken from masses suspected of cancer with the help of a biopsy and pathologically it is determined that this mass is benign or malignant. If the treatment method is determined according to the subsequent result, the most correct action will be taken.
The number of oil glands may vary according to people. Some may have only 1, while others may have dozens of oil glands. Sometimes you can completely get rid of the removed sebaceous glands, while sometimes the sebaceous gland can come out again. In this case, there is no need to panic. It is possible to get rid of the oil gland with a small operation. If you also have sebaceous glands or sebaceous glands on your body and you want to get rid of these glands, you can apply to a good medical institution or a reliable beauty centre and undergo an expert check-up. If the sebaceous gland needs to be removed, you can safely get rid of your sebaceous glands in these centres. Both in terms of physical and mental health, you can get comfortable in this way.
As Inday Clinic, we are at your service 24/7 with expert medical staff and the most modern non-surgical treatment methods.
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